Happy Mother's Day!
Panoply Magazine just published my poem "subterfuge" in which our heroine fiercely and subtly protects her privacy and dignity on a random weekday in high school.
If you are a nurturer of any kind, but especially the mothering kind, you are no doubt aware of the need to take care of yourself first. We learn this as we grow, regardless of sex, regardless of gender. But there are some very particular ways in which women learn; one of which is what our heroine does here.
I wrote this poem as a mother of teens, reflecting on the particular challenges girls face out in the world as they journey into womanhood. There are tangled, prickly primeval forests to navigate, and friends are not always as they seem. Girls must walk alone on some parts of their paths.
Many thanks to Jeff Santosuosso, Andrea Walker, and Ryn Holmes for publishing "subterfuge" in Issue 3 of Panoply, A Literary Zine.